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Home Funciones soldadura de punto


about the function

How cans are made
Cans for food, drinks and non-food products may be constructed out of either two or three pieces of metal.

The first cans ever produced were three-piece and they were developed in the middle of the 19th century. They consist of a cylindrical body rolled from a piece of flat metal with a longitudinal seam, usually formed by welding, with a top and bottom, each seamed on the ends of the body.

Three-piece cans may be manufactured in almost any practical combination of height, diameter and shape. This process is particularly suitable for making cans of different sizes as it is relatively simple to change the parameters of the can under production.

The Cazander Brothers mainly have machinery for three-piece cans in stock.

What is an spot welder?
A spot welder is a device used to join two or more thin metal plates together through spot welding. Spot welding is a resistance welding technique where two metal surfaces are bought together and then heated by electrical current. This causes the materials to melt and blend, creating a strong weld. 

In the canmaking industry a spot welder is used to bond the side and bottom plates of cans together before they are formed into the final can shape. This weld provides the strength and durability necessary for the can to withstand the pressure of the product it contains, such as beverages or food.

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